
Choose the plan that best fits your team

Experience increased productivity and collaboration, reduced risk of fraud and data attacks, and best of all, no worries about how to send and receive personal information.

Verji free trial

Try our most popular package, Verji PRO, completely free for 30 days You don’t need to enter credit card or invoice information to try out Verji.

Free for 30 days

Includes all the features from Verji PRO

Can use Verji on both web and mobile app


Our most popular package for efficient and secure internal communication

Can communicate in direct conversations with employees within the same company

Can communicate in internal rooms for own company

Can use Verji on both web and mobile app

Verji PRO

Our most popular package for small and large businesses looking to save time with smart and flexible solutions.

Everything from BASIC

Free to invite external users (customers and suppliers)

Free document signing with Bank ID

Can use Verji on both web and mobile app


Verji free trial


Verji PRO

Can use Verji on both web and mobile app

Can communicate in direct conversations with employees within the same company

Can communicate in internal rooms for own company

Can invite external paying users and free users for direct conversations and conversations in rooms

Can participate in rooms with external users

Can have audio and video calls externally (one-on-one conversations)

Can send voice messages externally

Document signing with Bank-ID

It costs 15 kr,- each. signing


Startup and implementation of the Verji security package at NOK 9,990
Verji is billed annually, and prices are excluding VAT. VAT (Value Added Tax).
* Members of certain organizations receive free setup and implementation of the security package based on a benefit agreement.


Verji free trial


Verji PRO

Invitations and users

Invite external users

Invite external users

Access to a portal for overview of invitations and to resend invitations

See which users are logged in

Encrypted messages

Send and receive messages internally

Send and receive messages externally

Reply to and forward messages internally

Reply to and forward messages externally

Edit and delete messages

Mention/tag someone in a message

See read receipts for messages

Send voice message internally

Send voice message externally

Easy link to message in other systems for further follow-up

Encrypted attachments

Send and receive attachments internally

Send and receive attachments externally

Use drag & drop to send attachments

Preview image attachments

Easy link to attachments in other systems for further follow-up

Document signing with Bank-ID

It costs 15 kr,- each. signing

Encrypted rooms

Create rooms and invite internal users

Create rooms and invite external users

Participate in rooms with internal users

Participate in rooms with external users

Manage role and deletion settings in rooms

Encrypted audio and video calls

Internal audio and video calls (one-on-one conversations)

External audio and video calls (one-on-one conversations).

Share screen in video calls


End-to-end encrypted communication with AES 256

Two-factor authentication with app or SMS

Real-time user verification

Access to the security package

Support and help features

Access to support function in Verji

Access to the support portal

Free telephone support from 08:00 to 16:00

Verji free trial


Verji Basic


Verji PRO

* Members of certain organizations receive free setup and implementation of the security package based on a benefit agreement.


Contact us, and one of our skilled customer consultants will assist you as soon as possible.